Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Good day.
Springdales Pusa

Very nice blokes. Ready to adjust, facilitated us in almost everything, fun event, terrible food. We won third prize in the symposium, would've won third if somebody had interjected on the presentation that came in second (St. Thomas').
Quiz was a disaster.

Bloodfist out.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Good day.

Of Obnoxious Hairdos, New Bloggers and the fine sport of Bee Bonking.

The latest of the various nutty trends that usually go around my friend circle happens to involve causing your hair to twist and convulse is such a manner so as to imitate any one of the following –

  • A hypodermic syringe.
  • A potato slicer.

Kuhrazeeman has opted to go in for what I like to call, the “Pinhead Look”. Most people seem to think it fits his personality. Chee, I wonder why (kindly note the copious quantities of sarcasm used).

Da Reaper has gone in for the second option.

Da Bee a.k.a. Queen Bee, has taken up blogging. This is viewed with a mixture of amusement and nonchalance in Da Klan. It is however, nice to know that even people like Da Bee, the only point of whose existence was at one time thought to be to serve as game in the fine sport of Bee Bonking (explained below), are capable of writing. There is hope for humanity yet.

The Supreme Azgez of the Bloodfists has recently invented the sport of Bee Bonking. To play, first thing one needs to do is equip one’s self with pens the more the merrier. Now, catch a hold of Da Bee, usually found in E-106. Now the players proceed to bonk Da Bee on the head, taking turns and starting with the tallest person present. The person with the greatest bonk-to-turn ratio when time is called wins!!

It may also be played as non competitive sport, for the fun of it.

Happy bee hunting!


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Good day.

Proposed Schedule

The proposed schedule for Exun 2004 is ready, though the date has not been decided. The list of events is also ready. The word file containing both is up for download here.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Good day.


Guess who’s back?
The above statement is purely rhetorical; I do not expect you to guess. No it’s not Richard Nixon and no you can’t mail me your answers.

I have not been writing the past month because I did not feel like it. That is that.

Much has happened this month, mainly concerning examinations. The set of exams in question are a set that I took with little or no prep, simply because I hade phase tests to give. The result of this exercise was that I have scored little or no marks; and consequently, this has not been the most enjoyable part of bloodfistonian history as far as the Supreme Azgez is concerned.
Through Mista Puhrezident I have recently acquired this most interesting book on ciphers and codes, and have, consequently, caught the cipher bug. I put this cipher question up on lnexun and thought I might put it up here too, here it is:

You only have to decipher the bit between the stars, the rest are clues which should, ideally, only be used when you are on the verge of giving up.

Exun is finally going national this year, and we need a lot of dough to make this work. We organized an event decision committee and got the event list finalized. The finance guys are having no such success, mind you, because Mr. Mukesh is currently in LA, and refuses to reply to his mail. This is major source of irritation since we can’t really start organizing the moneys unless he gives us a rough estimate.

I have decided to start using this blog to keep track of all details relating to Exun 2004 that will be. .

I start by putting up a list of events

Cheerio then.