Monday, July 18, 2005

Good day.

Dumbledore's death.

I have been sitting on the idea for a fair bit now and since the Da Geek put it up on his blog yesterday, I am convinced that the theory is correct.
The theory is that Dumbledore died of his own free will. Wishful thinking? I dont think so. Here is why:

  • What started the train of thought for me was Dumbledore's fight with Severus outside the forbidden forest. Think, when was the last time you heard of dumbledore's anger? With the exception of the dementor attack and Mundungus's desertion of post, NEVER. Also, it strikes me as very very unlikely that Snape would be arguing about keeping watch on Malfoy. If he had turned over, he would simply not watch and pretend that he did. No, I think Snape was talking about not fulfilling the vow. That is what Dumbledore would be talking about when he says "you made a promise and you must keep it" or whatever the exact words were.
  • I find it very hard to believe that Dumbledore was unable to find a single way of retrieving his wand in front of Malfoy. He was the greatest wizard in history, you'd think he could take on a 16 year old crybaby.
  • We all know he did not cling sufficiently to life to fear death, "death is but the next great adventure", he had said. So why does he plead wih Snape to spare him?? The only logical conclusion is that he was pleading with Snape not to spare him, but to kill him. Think about it, if Snape was dead they would have absolutely no one with Voldie to keep watch on him. This would also be why Dumbledore froze Harry, because he knew Severus would do it in the end and Harry would, well, be a tad annoyed, not to mention the fact that he might actually stop Snape, which would kill him. So, if we put ourselves in Dumbledore's shoes, both these things seem a much greater loss than his own life
  • Now, the reason he trusted Snape. I don't think this has been revealed. What he told Harry was some thing most five year olds won't believe much less one of the best legillimens' of their time. I think Voldie killed either Snape's mum or dad or something, and the reason has not been revealed yet. If Snape was on the dark side he would not have said to Harry, "not until you learn how to close your mind and not speak the incantation" or something to that effect. It sounds like something a teacher, not an enemy, would say.
  • Now this last reason is one that to my knowledge has not been yet raised, and I only thought of last night. The very fact that Dumbledore gave Harry those lessons. I mean he had waited so long, why did he not wait one more year, till when Harry would come of age? We all sort of fall for this trick of Rowling's because deep inside we want Harry to be given a more central role in the war against Voldie. Now here is what I think the deal was, Dumbledore knew about the unbreakable vow. He had decided a long time ago that his time had come and he wanted the info about Voldie's souls to pass on.

I think this interpritation of the story hold together a tad better than what Rowling would have us believe, and methinks that if it is true, well then Rowling is not a cow, but one of the great.

Here is another version of this (entry dated 18th July).


PS - RAB is, almost certainly, Regelus A Black.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Good day.

He is dead. She killed him.

I have just spent the last twelve hours and forty five minutes reading the half blood prince. The book was going fine, and with the exception of Harry falling for Ginny, there was nothing really wrong or maddening about it.
Then I got to the last three chapters. Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore dies. After this I sort of remember being in a haze till the end. He dies, end of story. Nothing else. Talk about leaving one in suspense.

Also, this was just blatant cruelty on the part of that positive COW Rowling. The book is magnificent mind, but when you put it down you feel how absolutely unnecessary the killing was. How pointless. It's driving me nuts.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Good day.
Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry Two

From left to right: me, Sumant, Apoorva, Prateek.

Laurel and Hardy

It was Prateek who contributed the heading. It is, perhaps the most valid and befitting title this post could have. This will be the only post that will be about two people which is because in my mind, it is impossible to write about one and completely sideline the other. Da Reaper without Sumantino is like ... a Big Mac without special sauce. I met the two of them in fifth grade, they joined two months apart. Sumant is, contrary to popular belief, the senior, though only by a few months. I will, therefore, write about him first. Now, this bloke was what one would describe as a pincushion for bullies when he joined. First of all, he had just returned from the states and was, consequently, ignorant of the ways of India and more importantly those of DPS. To top it all off, he was tiny (physically) and basically a nice guy. He has long since shed the former, but retains that latter trait. But back in the days of yore, it was always case where this or that pea brained, mollusc headed bully is bullying him and either me or Da Reaper and more frequently both are hurrying him from the spot. The chief of the aforesaid oppressors was Varun Chadha. This idiot, Varun, was never designed to be human. He was designed to be a blade of Venetian Long-grass - tall, skinny and utterly useless, except when used to irritate the skin. He is also PC's brother and convinced the Sumant is gay. For the record, I think he is daft.

Da Reaper came from a school from Orissa, and so had little or no probs adjusting. I still remember the conversation me and PC had when we first saw this tall somewhat ogreish fellow walk up to the math teacher. The only reason me and PC even noticed him was because we used to top the class back then and wanted to know if this guy was going to add seriously to the competition. I still remember PC going "I don't think so, the math teacher doesn't look too impressed". In contrast, Prateek was the more lively sort, the one who always instigated the pillow fights at people's places and shit.

The three of us immediately hit off and by the time we went to RKP, we were already good friends. When we shifted to RKP, Prateek and Sumant got into the same section, and this is were they really cemented their relationship, I suppose. These two also introduced me to the Age of Empires computer game during a conversation in the OAT. I have them to thank for that at the least. About this time we used to visit each other's place about once every other month this was great fun, as our mums were only too glad to get rid of us, and Sumant owns the Risk board game. I still remember a game we had, in which I threw nine straight sixes on the roll of the dice. The odds of that are like one in six to the power nine, in case you were wondering.

We were like this for all through ninth and tenth, though around this time Prateek and Sumant were much better friends than those two and I. Further, Sumant had made good friends of his own, with whom I was not very well acquainted. At this time I would also like to mention Kuhrazeeman, also called Apoorva Karan Rai, he'll get an entry later, but this was around the time he popped into my life.

The only time we really drifted apart was in eleventh. But, I must confess, around this time I really drifted apart from most of my friends, but this is mainly because we were all in different sections and my interests changed suddenly to programming and computers, while everybody else's did not. This was the time when I met Karan, and spent most of my time with that bloke. Prateek about this time, in my opinion started to act really stupidly. Firstly, he got romantically involved and secondly, he got romantically involved with a complete idiot. His studies and shit suffered because of this, but I think he pulled himself together just fine. Sumant on the other hand, like me spent more time with other friends and so we did not talk much. After school ended though we have sort of gotten back together which is cool. We recently got together and celebrated three of our birthdays together (Me, Sumant and Apoorva, Prateek was a "guest"). Prateek got into Texas at Austin, Sumant is waiting for the AIEEE counseling to happen. This lot has been what many would describe and "the gang" for me, so I hope we can keep in touch despite being in different time zones in the days and years to come.



Monday, April 25, 2005

Good day.
Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry One, Addendum.

How to talk to PC

Readers are advised to read the preceding entry before this one.

Like the title suggests, this is a note on how to carry an intelligent conversation with PC. This is valid only when the conversation in question is knowledge based, not based on point of view. Firstly, if you don't know much about the subject in question then tell him that before you ever start off. Don't even try to bullshit away and pretend to know more than you do unless you are me, or are dead certain that he has absolutely no clue about the subject, because if he does have the least idea about it, he will do what I call a counterbull, and bullshit you to the end of time. It's not like he is this idiot who does not know what he is talking about, he knows a lot of shit, which makes it even harder to know when he is talking trash. So basically act on the presumption that if you don't know what you are talking about, he probably does, so shut your trap and listen.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Good day.

Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry One.

Prateek Chadha

I have decided to go in chronological order. Contrary to popular belief he is as of now my oldest acquaintance. Of all the people that I will mention in this, the Persona Bloodfistonia, PC is the one person, my first meeting with who I don't remember. In any case it must have been in the beginning of the fourth grade because that was the first time we were actually in the same class. I faintly remember that when we were in the fourth and fifth grades we were the two people at the top of our class and there was this competition. No that there was any rivalry, mind you, I like to think that we hit off (nobody get any ideas) the first time we met, and it must have been something like that because I remember that when the results use to come out we would get this little copy out to compute our aggregate scores. Each would try to convince the other how he had topped "this time". Chadha was (and still is) the sportsman of the two of us, and the natural born leader, which would explain him getting the sports captain's position in junior school and head boy's position at RKP. Even then, Chadha was the eternal optimist and the ideal extrovert that he very much is today. It was probably because of my own introversive outlook on life, or maybe it was PC, but in any case back then, if you got to know PC, you would know that he had a very domineering attitude. I don't know how true that is today, but it was then.

We had this weird friendship, because we positively never called each other (on the phone). It was the most awkward thing, calling each other, and it sill is, when one of us called. Mind you there was never a lack of communication. Quite inexplicable, when one thinks about it, because we are the best of friends. It was with PC that I went for, and won, my first interschool quiz.
In my personal opinion, PC is the single most careless person in existence. That may no longer be true, and I will be the first to admit that he has improved in this respect, but I still won't trust him to buy the tickets for a movie. Maybe I am paranoid. Also, in all the years I have known him one thing I have always felt: he is the single most insecure person I know. This will surprise many people, and still more will say that I have no clue what I am talking about, Prateek will not be one of them. Truth be told, whenever I am around him, I get the feeling that he thinks he's got to prove something. This may not be true with others, but it is with me. He also quite enjoys dropping little comments about how inconvenient his size is for him so it becomes the topic of conversation for a bit. It sounds cheap doesn't it? It's not. I used to dislike it, now I sort of egg him on. He is the person who effectively kicked me out of the school quiz team and it didn't affect the friendship one bit. Though I still claim I bowed out. But that is what it was like, see? There was just this comfort level ...

We sort of broke off for a bit, towards the beginning of eleventh. This would be about the time he met the love interest of his life. We are just as good friends mind you, just that we met only intermittently after that.

To summerize, PC is my oldest friend, and is the only friend that I haven't figured out completely (that is, to my satisfaction).

Professionally, he is an aspiring law student who studied computer science and biology and is enrolling in Princeton; for an Economics course. Go figure.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Good day.

iPod, A Review and Other Goings On.

There exists in this world of men (and, for the sexually psychopathic, women) such a thing as an impulse. I am not talking about that little twitch in one's underpants that causes one to do things that are, more often than not, stupid, random and frankly quite alarming. I would like to state, for example, that woe begotten twitch, or perhaps even itch, that caused one funny mustached, vegetarian gentlemen to invade Poland, and slaughter millions. No, I am, indeed, not talking about that. I am taking about that seemingly irrelevant and, in comparison quite harmless product of Force and Time. That little phenomenon that comes into effect when we tap something with our forefinger. One of the most profound consequences of the humble impulse is a sound wave .

I would like you to consider the said wave when an impulse (as defined above) is applied o a plate (preferable metallic). If this is held to be proportional to the sort of output I used to get with my old headphones in that crappy diskman of mine, then the output from the White headphone is proportional to ... Oh I don't know ... ROLLING THUNDER!

That is the first thing I noticed when I made the transition, the output of the phones. Also it looks quite nice. The 4G (20G) most certainly scores over everything else in the market in that respect. It's not fat like the iPod Photo and it isn't too small the mini. Like Goldilocks said, it's juust right. Five stars, no question.

In other news, I have been missing because of the JEE screening but I am back. Also, Benedict the Sixteenth is Pope.

I have also decided to make a clean breast of it all. Since it is highly unlikely that I will ever meet most of the people I knew in school ever again, I have decided to dedicate posts to these people, explaining how I met those people, exactly what I think of them and what they have chosen to do with their lives. I expect to offend many people and probably say things that I would otherwise not have said. I offer my humblest apologies and if you like I will remove anything that you find upon request.

Cheerio then,

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Good day.

The Declaration, Official.

Yes ladies, gentlemen and intercrap club members, it is official. My iPod has finally arrived. The specs are below, pics will follow.

iPod: 4G
Cost: 15G
Storage: 20G

Cheerio for now, will be back with the pics.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Good day.

Happy Birthday Geek

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Good day.

La Papa

Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Karol Wojtyla

Pope John Paul, the second(1918 - 2005). I really liked the fellow. Pity about his death really, and I had no intention of making a joke with the last line of the previous post. The photo is courtesy, they also have a biography, in case anyone is interested. You might want to see this too. He was the ideal Pope, really. I suppose if Hinduism ever appoints an equivalent, the first apointee should be someone like Pope Paul.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Good day.

Chor Bizarre

Perhaps this post would better befit certain Impulsive Highlighters, but since yours truly is not a member thereof, The Journal will have to do. For those of us with comprehension difficulties, the purpose of this post is to review a restaurant that goes by the name of Chor bizarre.

The place is located in this little corner of old Delhi (though technically outside the old walled city), only five minutes from Chandani Chowk and The Khooni Darwaza. The original Chor Bizarre is inside the Broadway Hotel, which at one time was one of the leading hotels in Delhi, and still is a charming old place. The decor is what strikes one the most, when one goes there (which one should not do without receptions). Nothing matches, but everything jells.

The food is very nice, but one must have a tongue for Kashmiri to eat Kashmiri food. The Ghoshtabra, which, in the opinion of many Kashmiris is the greatest exponent of their cuisine, is quite honestly the best I had, and believe you me, I have had a very varied selection. There is a wide range for vegetarians also, and even though the Kababs don't compare to those at Karim's, they are quite decent. I am told the Paneer Tamatari is not bad. The over all experience is quite agreeable.

I honestly think one should go there if only to check out the decor. Also, if you like Mughlai or Kashmiri, you positively must visit.

Ratings (on five) :-

Food: 3.75 - 4.0
Decor: 4.79
Service: 4.72

And Smita, please don't refrain from commenting, it would defeat the point of the thing.

In other News, the Pope died.

Cheerio then.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Good day.

Of Idiotic Commentators.

I have never had much truck with genuine stupidity on this Journal. I have always believed that all humans have a similar capacity to comprehend and process, only some use this capacity better than others. My point being, if you are stupid, it is entirely your fault.

With this in mind I'd like you to read my previous entry. Take special note of the last two paragraphs. Now read the comment made by one Smita watzername. Having done this myself, I for one was quite befuddled. What, pray do the said statements (or conglomerations thereof) have to do with my being 'taken up' by item girls? I was typing about the concept that society has of beauty and the misconception that beauty is a virtue. The "airheaded bimbo" as Madam Smita has so eloquently christened her, has very little to do with the essence of the writing (or typing, if you will). Now, the post dated the 23rd has a lot more to do with this, but even then I do not say that it is entirely the woman's fault. However, to claim that it is testosterone is to blame more than the woman, has just about as much truth in as Sona Chandi Chyavanprash has gold (or silver for that matter).

It is therefore, with the most humble of voices that I request the wise Ms. Smita Watzername to please be kind enough to explain the relevance of, and/or the point behind, that seemingly senseless comment.

If you are going to comment, please read the damn entry, and if you are too stupid to understand it, remember, it is entirely your fault, so don't comment.

Cheerio then.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Good day.

Of The end of the Boarding Party, Holi, and The Virtue of Beauty

The fabled day is upon us. You know, I don't think I really believed it existed. I mean, of course, I knew that is was coming. But, that is just it, it was always "coming". I never thought that it would ever get here. It was, in fact used to refer to that which was indefinitely far off. If something needed to be indefinitely put off, one said "Yeah, sure, after the Boards". Standard. It was the one sure thing. It was like the chronological opposite of anno domini. No longer. DEATH!! DEATH TAKE US ALL!!

On a less psychotic note, Holi just came and went. Now, as we all know, Holi day is a holy day and a holiday. I am sorry, I just had to ...
As a direct result of Holi, many nice people I knew have now turned a striking shade of purple, magenta, or a combination thereof. Also, I am gorging on my grandmothers brilliantly made gujhias (she made two hundred, so they'll last) and so life isn't all bad.

I have mentioned in my title that I intend to type about the 'virtue' of beauty. I was introduced to this concept by someone who I would not call a literate without a certain degree of hesitation. This person is a female model, in particular, one of those whose lack of intellect is only outweighed by their lack of clothing. Now, I don't mind this lot when they are posing for photoshoots of even when they are senselessly jumping helter-skelter to one of those God-awful remixes, but they should be positively banned from interviews.

Coming back to the point, there was this particular one, whose name I do not care to remember, who was on this show, whose name also I don't care to remember. So this particular one was going on about her life, and how she landed the good roles in school dramas by virtue of her beauty. Now, this is an entirely novel concept for little old me. Unfortunately, I was still laboring under the delusion that a virtue has to be something that should arise out of action, not out of inaction. What, are we supposed to belief this woman to be virtuous because she looks pretty? Its not much of an accomplishment, is it? I'm sorry, but I simply don't see looking like one thing or the other as a particularly difficult exercise. What pray did Miss Model-In-Question have to do with the contours of her face? Okay, so he foot thick make up is her doing (or at least her make up artists) but that is about it, innit? Her mum and dad (or at least her mum) had a lot to do with it, I'm sure, but her? The idiots they let lose on TV these days! It never ceases to amaze me.

That's it then. I meant to write a tad more, but it must wait.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Good day.

Of College Apps and Indian Television

I suppose I took long enough to start off on this entry, but you see, stuff has been happening of late that has been keeping quite busy. I just gave four board exams to start off with, all of which (with the noted exception of Physics) went pretty well. Also, I've started getting replies from universities from the states. Up until now, I have a yes from Carnegie Mellon (let's just hope that is how one spells that) and a disappointing, though not entirely unexpected no from MIT.

One thing that I find very amusing about the rejection letter from MIT is the way it has been framed, it looks like it's a letter of condolence, more like a letter of rejection. They go on about how positively mortified they are about not allowing me in and how hard it is for them to break it to me and how they wish they never had to do this and so on and so forth. Good lord, with so many heartbreaks that they send out, you'd think they live in a permanent state of depression.
Now CMU, that is a letter I won't soon forget. The envelope, which says on top, "The official Fat Letter", leaves you in no doubt as to it's content.

In other news, IIT prep goes ever on (I'm hell bent on giving it), and Computer Science prep has to suffer as a result. Well, so be it.

But this is not the reason I wrote this entry. This entry is more about something that will leave a lot of keyboard happy critics going 'Prude!'. Now this word, 'prude', I find to be a very ... distasteful word. It is accusatory and very often misused. The word, in my most humble and, in the global context of things, irrelevant opinion, means One who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest, or righteous. Please note the use of the word 'excessively'. Therefore, a person who is appropriately proper, modest, or righteous or, at the least, appears to be so (in an appropriate manner) may not, appropriately, be called a prude. It is, you see, all a question of propriety. Consequently, I shall not, under any and all circumstances allow anyone to call me a prude as a result, direct or indirect, of the content of this article. It won't be appropriate, you understand.

What I want to talk about, is this evolution that the Indian television industry has undergone. For quite a while now, it has become impossible for one to sit with one's mum and dad and channel surf without having to hastily change channels because of some model or the other gyrating to the tunes of a song that I strongly suspect was originally written to kill household pests. Now, to some extent, I'm fine with kissing and skin show in movies and public productions, but their influx into music, especially in the terrible taste of what have come to be called 'Item Numbers' and those woe begotten remixes is positively inexcusable. Most of today's remixes, to me, are like the slime that adorns the lower half of a slug's underside. Nowadays, one can't watch TV without watching some model or singer with an IQ comparable to the number of legs on a termite positively destroying what was originally a very nice song. And, as if the singing was not bad enough this singer/dancer woman will then proceed to dance to the newly invented (or perhaps I should say corrupted) tune in clothing that would not cover a cricket ball if laid end to end. There was a time when TV channels would be jittery about showing 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram'. Now, they advertise 'Murder'. All that said, this was not what prompted me to write this. What prompted me to write this, was a television show that goes by the name of 'Dangerous' (Zoom). I mean they have people calling up about their sex problems, and these two idiots sitting there suggest what positions to use to fix it. I mean, what kind of an idiot calls up to say that he has been trying and trying but he can't get her pregnant. So this stud on the show starts of about how he should try the missionary position and 'keep trying'. Whatever happened to GO SEE A DOCTOR? Where does all this end, I wonder.

The 21st century is here to stay, but we still do not have a regulatory authority for television. We are therefore left to the moral integrity of people who send sluts to get people into hotel rooms and then show off the videos.

In answer to these statements, I most often get two replies. First of all, it sells, so it must be good. Dude, cocaine sells, is my usual answer. Secondly, it's the woman's right of expression, if she wants to get naked, let her. Anyone who says this has obviously never heard of the concept of public decency.

We Indians raise all this hell about how we might be poorer than the 'west' but we are richer in our morals and our culture. As things stand, I am compelled to say that that is bullshit.

Da Klan hereby declares war on all remixes and item numbers.
'Let slip the Dogs of War'.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Good day.

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost,
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not touched by frost.

From the ashes a fire has woken,
A light from the shadow has sprung,
Renewed is Blog that was broken,
And the Bloodfist again is king.

Here I am. All over again. Why did I go? Who cares? Why did I come back? Now there is something I want to write about. You see, leaving this blog to waste away was something I felt really guilty abut. To the extent that I actually stopped going to other people's blogs because I felt guilty about the Journal. So finally now that I have a little (very little) free time, I have decided to restart.

I will not attempt to fill in the void that was caused by my absence. Suffice it to say that the BOARDS (drum roll) area approaching and I am about to go into pay puh mode, which basically means more caffeine and less sleep. I have my board practical for Computer Sc. coming up on the tenth, and the Exun farewell is next Sunday. Apart from that, there is nothing to look forward to except Kirchoff, Gauss and other assorted nuts. I have already given my Chemistry and Physics practicals.

I leave you with this code: YVChh oekiaWu este cd. lhr ilaatTs.

It can be broken by hand. Note the spaces carefully. There is no capital 'I' in the sentence, only small l's.