Monday, April 25, 2005

Good day.
Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry One, Addendum.

How to talk to PC

Readers are advised to read the preceding entry before this one.

Like the title suggests, this is a note on how to carry an intelligent conversation with PC. This is valid only when the conversation in question is knowledge based, not based on point of view. Firstly, if you don't know much about the subject in question then tell him that before you ever start off. Don't even try to bullshit away and pretend to know more than you do unless you are me, or are dead certain that he has absolutely no clue about the subject, because if he does have the least idea about it, he will do what I call a counterbull, and bullshit you to the end of time. It's not like he is this idiot who does not know what he is talking about, he knows a lot of shit, which makes it even harder to know when he is talking trash. So basically act on the presumption that if you don't know what you are talking about, he probably does, so shut your trap and listen.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Good day.

Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry One.

Prateek Chadha

I have decided to go in chronological order. Contrary to popular belief he is as of now my oldest acquaintance. Of all the people that I will mention in this, the Persona Bloodfistonia, PC is the one person, my first meeting with who I don't remember. In any case it must have been in the beginning of the fourth grade because that was the first time we were actually in the same class. I faintly remember that when we were in the fourth and fifth grades we were the two people at the top of our class and there was this competition. No that there was any rivalry, mind you, I like to think that we hit off (nobody get any ideas) the first time we met, and it must have been something like that because I remember that when the results use to come out we would get this little copy out to compute our aggregate scores. Each would try to convince the other how he had topped "this time". Chadha was (and still is) the sportsman of the two of us, and the natural born leader, which would explain him getting the sports captain's position in junior school and head boy's position at RKP. Even then, Chadha was the eternal optimist and the ideal extrovert that he very much is today. It was probably because of my own introversive outlook on life, or maybe it was PC, but in any case back then, if you got to know PC, you would know that he had a very domineering attitude. I don't know how true that is today, but it was then.

We had this weird friendship, because we positively never called each other (on the phone). It was the most awkward thing, calling each other, and it sill is, when one of us called. Mind you there was never a lack of communication. Quite inexplicable, when one thinks about it, because we are the best of friends. It was with PC that I went for, and won, my first interschool quiz.
In my personal opinion, PC is the single most careless person in existence. That may no longer be true, and I will be the first to admit that he has improved in this respect, but I still won't trust him to buy the tickets for a movie. Maybe I am paranoid. Also, in all the years I have known him one thing I have always felt: he is the single most insecure person I know. This will surprise many people, and still more will say that I have no clue what I am talking about, Prateek will not be one of them. Truth be told, whenever I am around him, I get the feeling that he thinks he's got to prove something. This may not be true with others, but it is with me. He also quite enjoys dropping little comments about how inconvenient his size is for him so it becomes the topic of conversation for a bit. It sounds cheap doesn't it? It's not. I used to dislike it, now I sort of egg him on. He is the person who effectively kicked me out of the school quiz team and it didn't affect the friendship one bit. Though I still claim I bowed out. But that is what it was like, see? There was just this comfort level ...

We sort of broke off for a bit, towards the beginning of eleventh. This would be about the time he met the love interest of his life. We are just as good friends mind you, just that we met only intermittently after that.

To summerize, PC is my oldest friend, and is the only friend that I haven't figured out completely (that is, to my satisfaction).

Professionally, he is an aspiring law student who studied computer science and biology and is enrolling in Princeton; for an Economics course. Go figure.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Good day.

iPod, A Review and Other Goings On.

There exists in this world of men (and, for the sexually psychopathic, women) such a thing as an impulse. I am not talking about that little twitch in one's underpants that causes one to do things that are, more often than not, stupid, random and frankly quite alarming. I would like to state, for example, that woe begotten twitch, or perhaps even itch, that caused one funny mustached, vegetarian gentlemen to invade Poland, and slaughter millions. No, I am, indeed, not talking about that. I am taking about that seemingly irrelevant and, in comparison quite harmless product of Force and Time. That little phenomenon that comes into effect when we tap something with our forefinger. One of the most profound consequences of the humble impulse is a sound wave .

I would like you to consider the said wave when an impulse (as defined above) is applied o a plate (preferable metallic). If this is held to be proportional to the sort of output I used to get with my old headphones in that crappy diskman of mine, then the output from the White headphone is proportional to ... Oh I don't know ... ROLLING THUNDER!

That is the first thing I noticed when I made the transition, the output of the phones. Also it looks quite nice. The 4G (20G) most certainly scores over everything else in the market in that respect. It's not fat like the iPod Photo and it isn't too small the mini. Like Goldilocks said, it's juust right. Five stars, no question.

In other news, I have been missing because of the JEE screening but I am back. Also, Benedict the Sixteenth is Pope.

I have also decided to make a clean breast of it all. Since it is highly unlikely that I will ever meet most of the people I knew in school ever again, I have decided to dedicate posts to these people, explaining how I met those people, exactly what I think of them and what they have chosen to do with their lives. I expect to offend many people and probably say things that I would otherwise not have said. I offer my humblest apologies and if you like I will remove anything that you find upon request.

Cheerio then,

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Good day.

The Declaration, Official.

Yes ladies, gentlemen and intercrap club members, it is official. My iPod has finally arrived. The specs are below, pics will follow.

iPod: 4G
Cost: 15G
Storage: 20G

Cheerio for now, will be back with the pics.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Good day.

Happy Birthday Geek

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Good day.

La Papa

Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Karol Wojtyla

Pope John Paul, the second(1918 - 2005). I really liked the fellow. Pity about his death really, and I had no intention of making a joke with the last line of the previous post. The photo is courtesy, they also have a biography, in case anyone is interested. You might want to see this too. He was the ideal Pope, really. I suppose if Hinduism ever appoints an equivalent, the first apointee should be someone like Pope Paul.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Good day.

Chor Bizarre

Perhaps this post would better befit certain Impulsive Highlighters, but since yours truly is not a member thereof, The Journal will have to do. For those of us with comprehension difficulties, the purpose of this post is to review a restaurant that goes by the name of Chor bizarre.

The place is located in this little corner of old Delhi (though technically outside the old walled city), only five minutes from Chandani Chowk and The Khooni Darwaza. The original Chor Bizarre is inside the Broadway Hotel, which at one time was one of the leading hotels in Delhi, and still is a charming old place. The decor is what strikes one the most, when one goes there (which one should not do without receptions). Nothing matches, but everything jells.

The food is very nice, but one must have a tongue for Kashmiri to eat Kashmiri food. The Ghoshtabra, which, in the opinion of many Kashmiris is the greatest exponent of their cuisine, is quite honestly the best I had, and believe you me, I have had a very varied selection. There is a wide range for vegetarians also, and even though the Kababs don't compare to those at Karim's, they are quite decent. I am told the Paneer Tamatari is not bad. The over all experience is quite agreeable.

I honestly think one should go there if only to check out the decor. Also, if you like Mughlai or Kashmiri, you positively must visit.

Ratings (on five) :-

Food: 3.75 - 4.0
Decor: 4.79
Service: 4.72

And Smita, please don't refrain from commenting, it would defeat the point of the thing.

In other News, the Pope died.

Cheerio then.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Good day.

Of Idiotic Commentators.

I have never had much truck with genuine stupidity on this Journal. I have always believed that all humans have a similar capacity to comprehend and process, only some use this capacity better than others. My point being, if you are stupid, it is entirely your fault.

With this in mind I'd like you to read my previous entry. Take special note of the last two paragraphs. Now read the comment made by one Smita watzername. Having done this myself, I for one was quite befuddled. What, pray do the said statements (or conglomerations thereof) have to do with my being 'taken up' by item girls? I was typing about the concept that society has of beauty and the misconception that beauty is a virtue. The "airheaded bimbo" as Madam Smita has so eloquently christened her, has very little to do with the essence of the writing (or typing, if you will). Now, the post dated the 23rd has a lot more to do with this, but even then I do not say that it is entirely the woman's fault. However, to claim that it is testosterone is to blame more than the woman, has just about as much truth in as Sona Chandi Chyavanprash has gold (or silver for that matter).

It is therefore, with the most humble of voices that I request the wise Ms. Smita Watzername to please be kind enough to explain the relevance of, and/or the point behind, that seemingly senseless comment.

If you are going to comment, please read the damn entry, and if you are too stupid to understand it, remember, it is entirely your fault, so don't comment.

Cheerio then.