Thursday, March 31, 2005

Good day.

Of The end of the Boarding Party, Holi, and The Virtue of Beauty

The fabled day is upon us. You know, I don't think I really believed it existed. I mean, of course, I knew that is was coming. But, that is just it, it was always "coming". I never thought that it would ever get here. It was, in fact used to refer to that which was indefinitely far off. If something needed to be indefinitely put off, one said "Yeah, sure, after the Boards". Standard. It was the one sure thing. It was like the chronological opposite of anno domini. No longer. DEATH!! DEATH TAKE US ALL!!

On a less psychotic note, Holi just came and went. Now, as we all know, Holi day is a holy day and a holiday. I am sorry, I just had to ...
As a direct result of Holi, many nice people I knew have now turned a striking shade of purple, magenta, or a combination thereof. Also, I am gorging on my grandmothers brilliantly made gujhias (she made two hundred, so they'll last) and so life isn't all bad.

I have mentioned in my title that I intend to type about the 'virtue' of beauty. I was introduced to this concept by someone who I would not call a literate without a certain degree of hesitation. This person is a female model, in particular, one of those whose lack of intellect is only outweighed by their lack of clothing. Now, I don't mind this lot when they are posing for photoshoots of even when they are senselessly jumping helter-skelter to one of those God-awful remixes, but they should be positively banned from interviews.

Coming back to the point, there was this particular one, whose name I do not care to remember, who was on this show, whose name also I don't care to remember. So this particular one was going on about her life, and how she landed the good roles in school dramas by virtue of her beauty. Now, this is an entirely novel concept for little old me. Unfortunately, I was still laboring under the delusion that a virtue has to be something that should arise out of action, not out of inaction. What, are we supposed to belief this woman to be virtuous because she looks pretty? Its not much of an accomplishment, is it? I'm sorry, but I simply don't see looking like one thing or the other as a particularly difficult exercise. What pray did Miss Model-In-Question have to do with the contours of her face? Okay, so he foot thick make up is her doing (or at least her make up artists) but that is about it, innit? Her mum and dad (or at least her mum) had a lot to do with it, I'm sure, but her? The idiots they let lose on TV these days! It never ceases to amaze me.

That's it then. I meant to write a tad more, but it must wait.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Good day.

Of College Apps and Indian Television

I suppose I took long enough to start off on this entry, but you see, stuff has been happening of late that has been keeping quite busy. I just gave four board exams to start off with, all of which (with the noted exception of Physics) went pretty well. Also, I've started getting replies from universities from the states. Up until now, I have a yes from Carnegie Mellon (let's just hope that is how one spells that) and a disappointing, though not entirely unexpected no from MIT.

One thing that I find very amusing about the rejection letter from MIT is the way it has been framed, it looks like it's a letter of condolence, more like a letter of rejection. They go on about how positively mortified they are about not allowing me in and how hard it is for them to break it to me and how they wish they never had to do this and so on and so forth. Good lord, with so many heartbreaks that they send out, you'd think they live in a permanent state of depression.
Now CMU, that is a letter I won't soon forget. The envelope, which says on top, "The official Fat Letter", leaves you in no doubt as to it's content.

In other news, IIT prep goes ever on (I'm hell bent on giving it), and Computer Science prep has to suffer as a result. Well, so be it.

But this is not the reason I wrote this entry. This entry is more about something that will leave a lot of keyboard happy critics going 'Prude!'. Now this word, 'prude', I find to be a very ... distasteful word. It is accusatory and very often misused. The word, in my most humble and, in the global context of things, irrelevant opinion, means One who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest, or righteous. Please note the use of the word 'excessively'. Therefore, a person who is appropriately proper, modest, or righteous or, at the least, appears to be so (in an appropriate manner) may not, appropriately, be called a prude. It is, you see, all a question of propriety. Consequently, I shall not, under any and all circumstances allow anyone to call me a prude as a result, direct or indirect, of the content of this article. It won't be appropriate, you understand.

What I want to talk about, is this evolution that the Indian television industry has undergone. For quite a while now, it has become impossible for one to sit with one's mum and dad and channel surf without having to hastily change channels because of some model or the other gyrating to the tunes of a song that I strongly suspect was originally written to kill household pests. Now, to some extent, I'm fine with kissing and skin show in movies and public productions, but their influx into music, especially in the terrible taste of what have come to be called 'Item Numbers' and those woe begotten remixes is positively inexcusable. Most of today's remixes, to me, are like the slime that adorns the lower half of a slug's underside. Nowadays, one can't watch TV without watching some model or singer with an IQ comparable to the number of legs on a termite positively destroying what was originally a very nice song. And, as if the singing was not bad enough this singer/dancer woman will then proceed to dance to the newly invented (or perhaps I should say corrupted) tune in clothing that would not cover a cricket ball if laid end to end. There was a time when TV channels would be jittery about showing 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram'. Now, they advertise 'Murder'. All that said, this was not what prompted me to write this. What prompted me to write this, was a television show that goes by the name of 'Dangerous' (Zoom). I mean they have people calling up about their sex problems, and these two idiots sitting there suggest what positions to use to fix it. I mean, what kind of an idiot calls up to say that he has been trying and trying but he can't get her pregnant. So this stud on the show starts of about how he should try the missionary position and 'keep trying'. Whatever happened to GO SEE A DOCTOR? Where does all this end, I wonder.

The 21st century is here to stay, but we still do not have a regulatory authority for television. We are therefore left to the moral integrity of people who send sluts to get people into hotel rooms and then show off the videos.

In answer to these statements, I most often get two replies. First of all, it sells, so it must be good. Dude, cocaine sells, is my usual answer. Secondly, it's the woman's right of expression, if she wants to get naked, let her. Anyone who says this has obviously never heard of the concept of public decency.

We Indians raise all this hell about how we might be poorer than the 'west' but we are richer in our morals and our culture. As things stand, I am compelled to say that that is bullshit.

Da Klan hereby declares war on all remixes and item numbers.
'Let slip the Dogs of War'.