I know, I don’t like the template either …
It’s just that template changing is time-consuming activity and I haven’t the time. I’m up to my neck in work. I brought it on me, I know, but that does not make it any easier to deal with. Point is, the template stays, at least for a bit.
All school appointees and general idiots will please note, I’m talking about my blog template.
Now, about the passport services of the Republic of India. Writing (or indeed, typing) anything about them is an exercise laborious to both mind and fingertip. This is mainly because the ‘services’ part is, for the most part, nonexistent. As most of you might have guessed, I have recently had my passport made, under the ‘Tatkal’ or express scheme. If you do not happen to know a Joint Director in the employ of the Government of India, I suggest you do not opt for the express scheme; the regular one is faster.
I will not give a minute-by-minute account of the place, but here are few of the major points of interest. The ‘help’ booth cum reception desk was unmanned all day. The RPO, the guy who attests the passports, had a stomach that could have easily been mistaken for Grand friggin’ Central Station. There were computers there, which were very obviously on loan from the national museum or some similar establishment, which also explained the phenomenal efficiency level of the place. There was a three hour-long line, which I fortunately avoided, due to mum’s post, if you take my meaning. Getting passport in three days, woohoo.
The microprocessor located inside Mista Puhrezident’s skull has been acting up again. He basically fell apart in mathematics today, blundering about six or seven times a line, cutting and scratching lines of work and finally ending up stabbing himself in the elbow with his stolen parker. Unimportant but funny.
Oh, and also, somebody set the default setting for the dot matrix in lab four to “pause”, so the damn thing pauses by default, hence every print order just queues up, and nothing is printed. Very confounding, Mr. Mukesh had to fix the dogged thing in the end, because we just could not comprehend the fact that some one could be thick enough to do this, and hence never checked.
Cheerio then.