Persona Bloodfistonia, Entry Two

From left to right: me, Sumant, Apoorva, Prateek.
Laurel and Hardy
It was Prateek who contributed the heading. It is, perhaps the most valid and befitting title this post could have. This will be the only post that will be about two people which is because in my mind, it is impossible to write about one and completely sideline the other. Da Reaper without Sumantino is like ... a Big Mac without special sauce. I met the two of them in fifth grade, they joined two months apart. Sumant is, contrary to popular belief, the senior, though only by a few months. I will, therefore, write about him first. Now, this bloke was what one would describe as a pincushion for bullies when he joined. First of all, he had just returned from the states and was, consequently, ignorant of the ways of India and more importantly those of DPS. To top it all off, he was tiny (physically) and basically a nice guy. He has long since shed the former, but retains that latter trait. But back in the days of yore, it was always case where this or that pea brained, mollusc headed bully is bullying him and either me or Da Reaper and more frequently both are hurrying him from the spot. The chief of the aforesaid oppressors was Varun Chadha. This idiot, Varun, was never designed to be human. He was designed to be a blade of Venetian Long-grass - tall, skinny and utterly useless, except when used to irritate the skin. He is also PC's brother and convinced the Sumant is gay. For the record, I think he is daft.
Da Reaper came from a school from Orissa, and so had little or no probs adjusting. I still remember the conversation me and PC had when we first saw this tall somewhat ogreish fellow walk up to the math teacher. The only reason me and PC even noticed him was because we used to top the class back then and wanted to know if this guy was going to add seriously to the competition. I still remember PC going "I don't think so, the math teacher doesn't look too impressed". In contrast, Prateek was the more lively sort, the one who always instigated the pillow fights at people's places and shit.
The three of us immediately hit off and by the time we went to RKP, we were already good friends. When we shifted to RKP, Prateek and Sumant got into the same section, and this is were they really cemented their relationship, I suppose. These two also introduced me to the Age of Empires computer game during a conversation in the OAT. I have them to thank for that at the least. About this time we used to visit each other's place about once every other month this was great fun, as our mums were only too glad to get rid of us, and Sumant owns the Risk board game. I still remember a game we had, in which I threw nine straight sixes on the roll of the dice. The odds of that are like one in six to the power nine, in case you were wondering.
We were like this for all through ninth and tenth, though around this time Prateek and Sumant were much better friends than those two and I. Further, Sumant had made good friends of his own, with whom I was not very well acquainted. At this time I would also like to mention Kuhrazeeman, also called Apoorva Karan Rai, he'll get an entry later, but this was around the time he popped into my life.
The only time we really drifted apart was in eleventh. But, I must confess, around this time I really drifted apart from most of my friends, but this is mainly because we were all in different sections and my interests changed suddenly to programming and computers, while everybody else's did not. This was the time when I met Karan, and spent most of my time with that bloke. Prateek about this time, in my opinion started to act really stupidly. Firstly, he got romantically involved and secondly, he got romantically involved with a complete idiot. His studies and shit suffered because of this, but I think he pulled himself together just fine. Sumant on the other hand, like me spent more time with other friends and so we did not talk much. After school ended though we have sort of gotten back together which is cool. We recently got together and celebrated three of our birthdays together (Me, Sumant and Apoorva, Prateek was a "guest"). Prateek got into Texas at Austin, Sumant is waiting for the AIEEE counseling to happen. This lot has been what many would describe and "the gang" for me, so I hope we can keep in touch despite being in different time zones in the days and years to come.
Everybody drifted away slightly from everybody else in 11 dude... can't really blame anyone though.
Da Reaper Strikes Again!!!
I'm not blamin'
pray educate me. i am not a dpsrkpite.
are these people all different entities:
i assume this id prateek chadha, erstwhile headboy, princeton bound?
who is prateek then?
and who is da reaper?
and then whoever is da prat reaper?
and why do you call him/them the reaper(s)?
signed: the lurker
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