Good day.
Today I write this blog entry not because I want to grace you all with my wisdom and unbelievable style of writing which, it must be admitted is superior to most writers of present day, (but then I have an advantage, my head is larger than that of most of the writes of present day ( pun utterly, totally and fully intended)), but because my rear is frozen to the damn seat and I can't get up to do anything else.
This is an excellent book, written 54 years ago by a team of people none of whom were allowed to eat fried stuff simply on account of age, which governs the running of the Indian nation (chee, I wonder why this country works with the efficiency of a constipated toad ). However, those of you who are labouring under the delusion that the constitution is the supreme authority on Indian soil, must be informed that you are bozos, bimbos and idiots with brains of oxen and wits to match. There is, as a matter of fact, a strip of land in the middle of the capital of this nation where the constitution stands null and void, and the word of the sovereign is law. In these eleven or twelve acres of land, the constitution is disrespected , made fun of, trampled over and basically ripped to shreds. This place is, of course, none other that the concentration camp of D.P.S. R.K.Puram. For the really stupid, and other non dipsites, the sovereign (as previously indicated ) of this hell hole, is The Big C (I would have put Big Fat Ugly Git but it takes too long to type). Since time immemorial this evil has plagued the above mentioned land and brought nothing but misery to it's people. Rights that have been promised to these people, she has denied. A full accounts of her crimes can not be published here, simply because it would constitute too many thousands of gigabytes. Some of her maniacal ideas are worthy of George Bush. There seems to exist this ideology in her supremely demented brain which professes that the golden rule to life is " When in doubt, suspend a student. If that doesn't work scold the closest junior person to death". Right to life and personal liberty occupy as much space in her rat infested head as much as Mridul Kohli, when he sits next to me in our bus. She had recently had the entire, and I mean entire class 12 held in school, against their will, until their parents came to restore liberty to these poor souls. Also, she has finally declared open war against the right to freedom pf movement, and the right to choice, both of whom she had been attempting to suppress for a long time. We are not ALLOWED to take a day off without producing a medical certificate. If we violate, the class teachers have been instructed to call our parents to shool in order to meet with big C. This is tyranny, we can't even take a day off from this hellhole. In the name of all that's holy, whatever happened to mercy?? I mean Gengis Khan didn't do this sort of thing, all he did was boil people to death, not something this evil !!
Now, the people of the free world will obviously be much alarmed by this narrative, and will, with good reason, see that there is yet another Hitler in the rising. People of the world, do not fret, the resistance still holds. I think I can safely say that I speak for all dipsites when I say that, in the name of freedom and the maintenance of civilized society, we shall hold the line against big C. The resistance can not, shall not and will not waver, whatever the costs. We do this because it is our duty and also because we know that WE WILL BE REMEMBERED.
Something so great and overbearing happened today that it deserves entry into these annals. Apoorva Karan Rai ( hereinafter called Kuhrazeeman) actually wore a blazer!!! (This will make sense only to those who know him.)
P.S. - CAS still here (aaarrrgggghh !!! ). School got a trophy the size of a bullet proof jacket custom made for a sumo wrestler for winning Code Wars 2003. Hurrah. For further details click here.
Monday, December 22, 2003
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