Of Idiotic Commentators.
I have never had much truck with genuine stupidity on this Journal. I have always believed that all humans have a similar capacity to comprehend and process, only some use this capacity better than others. My point being, if you are stupid, it is entirely your fault.
With this in mind I'd like you to read my previous entry. Take special note of the last two paragraphs. Now read the comment made by one Smita watzername. Having done this myself, I for one was quite befuddled. What, pray do the said statements (or conglomerations thereof) have to do with my being 'taken up' by item girls? I was typing about the concept that society has of beauty and the misconception that beauty is a virtue. The "airheaded bimbo" as Madam Smita has so eloquently christened her, has very little to do with the essence of the writing (or typing, if you will). Now, the post dated the 23rd has a lot more to do with this, but even then I do not say that it is entirely the woman's fault. However, to claim that it is testosterone is to blame more than the woman, has just about as much truth in as Sona Chandi Chyavanprash has gold (or silver for that matter).
It is therefore, with the most humble of voices that I request the wise Ms. Smita Watzername to please be kind enough to explain the relevance of, and/or the point behind, that seemingly senseless comment.
If you are going to comment, please read the damn entry, and if you are too stupid to understand it, remember, it is entirely your fault, so don't comment.
Cheerio then.
1 comment:
yes Nisheeth, uve made ur point. I humbly apologise, the comment was infact, meant for the previous post. But, its not very nice of you to dedicate this whole post to my comment. it's quite degrading. i apologise again, and shall refrain from commenting from now on.
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