Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Good day.
Calm down, calm down. You don’t have to jump up and down in glee just because The Supreme and Exalted Leader of Da Klan has posted another entry. It is uncivil.

It was a most interesting day today. Point to be noted: interesting does not necessarily mean perfect, or even good. Mostly, it’s the opposite. The great Kapil Dev came to school today. He is as all clansmen will know, the first Hero of Da Klan. Great man, excellent cricket player and all round good guy. The tragedy of the matter was that Big C did not let us attend the assembly. Evil, evil I say. But this has given me a chance to explain how the Emergency Guest Receiving System works at school.
1. An announcement on the PAS calling the VPs and Headmistresses to the SFC (strategic forces command i.e. Big C’s room)
2. If students are required Da Mamta is called upon.
3. She in turn calls upon the intercrap club or the S.C.
4. The students scramble.
5. By now it is like, thirty minutes till Showtime. A complex and scientific process involving drawing of lots and flipping coins is used to pick the classes that attend the assembly.
6. Da Mamta puts the best speakers to work, double time, on speeches and questions.
7. About this time the cry of “Man battle stations, to arms, to arms!” issues forth for the SFC and approach is cordoned off by massive columns infantry from the Red Guard (a combined force of intercrap club members, SC members, and other assorted ass kissers).
8. When the VIP arrives he (or she) sees, therefore, a highly censored and mostly fictional version of the school, and naturally leaves it impressed.
It’s flawless.

Da Geek had to be taught how to calculate the remainder in a division. This caused me (and, for that matter, Da Mouse Killer) much distress. He gets these fits of daftness every so often. Later, however, was able to furnish a decent excuse and is therefore pardoned.

It was the math teacher’s turn to do some blitzkrieging of her own. One chapter in 25 minutes. Just like that, no questions asked. Period.

Hope this is not contagious.

It has become blatantly obvious to me that Da Deep One is either incapable of reading, or incapable comprehending, or both. I quite clearly mentioned that the Burrah kebab at Bukhara was good. NOT the meat in general. I can understand it if he disagrees about the Dal Bukhara, I have peculiar taste in dal. As in much else. But such differences are bound to occur between the great and the lowly, and so he too is pardoned.

I can’t go and see LOTR III any more due to an unscheduled trip to Haryana. L Me no happy.
Suraiya, a singer of great fame has recently kicked the proverbial bucket. This has caused Da Lunatic much anguish. He is a fan. For a longer testimonial to the great woman, click here.

Alrighty then,

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