Thursday, February 12, 2004

Good day.
Of Birds, Bees and Da Geek
I have a funny feeling that Da Geek is not going to enjoy this entry very much. My heart bleeds for him. It bleeds, you see, not only because he is robbed of the singular pleasure of being able to enjoy this entry, but also because he has lost his chance of going to the picnic with his (to put it crudely) crush. Yes, ladies, gentlemen and members of the intercrap club, ‘tis true, that little archer in the diapers has finally got to Da Geek. Unbelievable though it sounds, I have it from a very reliable source (namely his geekiness himself) that he has been nurturing this heartache for an arguable bit. He would like everyone to believe that he wants to go with Sir Altitude. Yeah, right. And I’m obsessed with loosing weight. Incidentally, she is the fameous flower girl(Jan 19th entry, para four). If you find nothing about flowers (or her) there, he probably erased it. Keeping in mind the number of people that read this Journal, I will not give out her name. The extent of the crush is obvious when you take into account the clear state of depression Da Geek has been in ever since he found out that our sections are not going together. This is precisely the reason why I prefer food to girls - when something goes wrong; food only hurts in the stomach. It is hereby ordered that all Klansmen who read this must drop snide and cheeky comments whenever they meet Da Geek, mentioning this entry would also not be a bad idea.

On sifting through the annals of this great journal, you find mention of only one of the lesser clans, namely Exun. This is a group of people, skilled in their own fashion, but lacking the honor and fervor that characterizes the higher Klans, of which The Great and Glorious Bloodfist Klan is the greatest. This lack of honor is most brought out by the fact members actually leave the clan at will. Needless to say, this would be nothing short of sacrilege in the upper clans. Today, for example, even their commander left the clan. Far for rebuking it, they celebrated the event. DISGUSTING. But I must not get carried away; after all, one can’t expect the same fervor from lesser mortals as one does from Klansmen.

Commenting has been enabled on this blog. This is not, however, an open invitation to correct any piece of grammar you think is incorrect. This I say for two reasons: -
1. You are not worthy to correct the grammar of The Supreme and Exalted Leader of Da Klan.
2. In any case, all grammar in this Journal is flawless (except where it isn’t).

See you around.
Ciao. (Da Deep One gave me this spelling, pronunciation: - Ch-a-o)

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